Release 4.0 Build 2539
Released on Oct 17, 2023 and includes the following:
- AI-2826 FIXED: Permissions card in user management shows incorrect permission as preview
- AI-3826 FIXED: Manage conditions button not present in database design cards
- AI-3829 FIXED: Resources set as reference data are correctly handled after migration
- AI-3875 FIXED: AbuseIPDB does not accept IPv6 addresses with square brackets
- AI-3895 FIXED: No warning message for edited grant when role changed
- AI-3906 FIXED: Add reference button shows up in data entry for partners on unrelated reference fields
- AI-3917 FIXED: Subform aggregation formulas do not work with other formulas in relevance and validation when adding new record
- AI-3922 FIXED: Limit parameter ID to CUID format
- AI-3924 FIXED: Error in computing relevance formulas when forms are not accessible
- AI-3925 FIXED: remove read only text fields from user formula rules
- AI-3926 FIXED: Mobile version edit page is not correctly handling deletion of irrelevant subrecords when subform is placed last in form designer
- AI-2457 Relevance condition for subforms